9 Steps to Take If You Want to Start Working Out for the First Time

9 Steps to Take If You Want to Start Working Out for the First Time
9 Steps to Take If You Want to Start Working Out for the First Time

Embarking on a fitness journey can be daunting, especially if it's your first time. But fear not, as we unravel the mystery of starting a workout routine. Here's a guide to help you take those first crucial steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

There’s no “right way” to embrace fitness

The best way to learn what works for you is to just get out there and try it

  • With a little patience, consistency, and sweat, you’ll forget what life was like before you started working toward your fitness goals

Sign up for workout classes geared specifically toward beginners

Beginner classes should feel challenging, but not so difficult that you feel defeated

  • Pull the instructor aside ahead of time and voice any concerns
  • They may be able to give you some lower modifications for exercises during the class
  • Don’t be afraid to modify exercises on your own

Have a game plan for when you’re not feeling motivated

Ask a friend who also works out to be your accountability partner

  • Fill them in on your workout plans and let them know when you follow through
  • Another strategy is to keep your gym bag packed and ready to go

Identify your “why” and focus on your own journey

Ultimately, fitness should be about your own goals and what feels right for you

  • We all move at our own pace, and to focus on what is best and most enjoyable for you and your unique body

Questions to ask before signing up

Are there month-to-month memberships, or do they only do year-long commitments?

  • Do they offer a trial period for a week or two?
  • What classes are offered?
  • When is the gym busiest?
  • Before committing, ask if the gym offers a free trial.

Invest in a pair of training shoes, a supportive sports bra, and a workout outfit you love

Best way to find the right pair is to try on a few in an athletic shoe or sports store and ask an associate for guidance.

  • A few cute workout outfits that you feel comfortable in are a great investment.

Consider booking a session with a trainer.

If you’re not joining a gym, consider working with an online personal trainer. It’s often less expensive, and usually easier to fit into your schedule if yours is already packed. However, be aware of the pros and cons of both types of training.

“Date” different types of workouts until you find the ones you truly like

The number one way to find the best fit for you is through trial and error

  • Start with one you’re initially drawn to, whether it’s barre, boxing, Pilates, dance cardio, yoga, a strength class, etc.
  • Keep trying new ones from there and find what you enjoy
  • Trial and error works for deciding on where and when you work out, too

Start by scheduling just two workouts a week at convenient times

Set yourself up for success by picking days and times you can really commit to.

  • As you build up your stamina and conditioning, increase the frequency and length of your workouts-try to add in a third day of working out around week four of your new routine

Buy some basic equipment to try at-home workouts.

Get two pairs of dumbbells, one lighter set and one heavier set-and a jump rope. This provides a ton of possibilities and requires very little space for storage.

  • Get a mat to make abs exercises more comfortable and a couple of looped resistance bands.
