A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Journaling Practice

A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Journaling Practice
A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Journaling Practice

Starting a journaling practice is more than just a way to document your life – it is a powerful tool for promoting mental health and self-reflection. Here’s how to get started.

The Benefits of Journaling: Backed by Science

The benefits of journaling are backed up by decades of research, which show that it can help reduce anxiety, ease depression, and set goals.

To take full advantage of these benefits, consider making writing a daily habit akin to brushing your teeth.

Decide What You Want to Write About

It’s important to start by determining the purpose of your journal.

Are you using it to jot down goals, reflect on your day or connect with your creativity?

Once you’ve identified the why, decide on the topics that you would like to explore.

Time Yourself for Better Results

Timing yourself can also be helpful when it comes to journaling.

Like meditation, set aside a few minutes each day and just write.

If you want to take it up a notch, try Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages which encourages stream-of-consciousness writing for three pages each morning.

Forget Perfection: Make It Your Own

For those who feel overwhelmed by the blank page, Starlet Susilo of BonBon Paper reminds customers that “this is just for you” and “forget about being perfect.” Katherine Smith, a recent college graduate, found that once she realized her journal was private, she was able to relax into the experience.

Create Your Own Writing Routine

To create a successful routine, consider what works best for you.

Experiment with writing at different times of day and don’t punish yourself if you break the schedule.

If you’re stuck, use prompts to begin each entry or start with a sense of gratitude.
