A Psychologist’s Guide to Achieving Success | Dr. Julie Gurner | Knowledge Project Podcast

A Psychologist’s Guide to Achieving Success | Dr. Julie Gurner | Knowledge Project Podcast
A Psychologist’s Guide to Achieving Success | Dr. Julie Gurner | Knowledge Project Podcast

Dr. Julie Gurner, an executive performance coach and psychologist, shares her expertise on achieving success in this episode of The Knowledge Project Podcast.

She explores the significance of high standards, the role of feedback, the necessity of difficult conversations, and the impact of relationships on personal and professional growth.

The Impact of Relationships on Growth

The quality of one’s relationships can significantly influence personal and professional growth.

Phasing out unproductive or toxic relationships can be challenging but necessary.

Being upfront about one’s priorities and limitations can foster healthier and more productive relationships.

Rather than me and then you are the problem, it is I’m pulling you to my side of the table and it’s us together versus this problem that we’re going to talk about. – Dr. Julie Gurner

Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Setting boundaries in relationships is crucial for personal growth.

Being upfront and direct about your limitations and needs can help maintain healthier relationships.

Recognizing patterns of negativity and consistently violated boundaries can help phase out relationships that are not beneficial or are toxic.

The Concept of ‘Fighting Up Front’

Addressing problems early on can prevent larger issues in the future.

This approach, referred to as ‘fighting up front’, emphasizes the importance of being proactive rather than reactive and having difficult conversations sooner rather than later.

The Principle of Detachment

Viewing business or work as something you do, not who you are, can lead to better decision-making and objectivity.

This detachment can prevent emotional attachment from skewing decision-making and potentially shielding you from valid criticisms or operational issues.

The Significance of High Standards

High standards are a common characteristic among successful individuals.

While these standards can sometimes cause friction, they are crucial for personal and professional growth.

The manner in which these standards are communicated, particularly in leadership roles, can significantly influence team performance.

The Value of Feedback

Feedback, particularly from diverse perspectives within an organization, can offer valuable insights for improvement.

Encouraging honesty through anonymous feedback collection can enhance the quality of the feedback.

Leaders who are open to feedback and foster a culture that encourages it can improve their performance and broaden their perspective.

The Necessity of Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations, when approached with intentionality and a collaborative mindset, can lead to productive outcomes.

Shifting the perspective from conflict to collaboration can facilitate these conversations.

Managing negative emotions and stepping into one’s role, especially in leadership positions, can foster effective communication.

Avoiding the ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’

‘Shiny object syndrome’, where individuals or businesses frequently change course to pursue the latest trend or idea, can lead to a lack of focus and potentially hinder long-term success.

Maintaining focus and consistency in pursuing goals is crucial for achieving success.

Career vs Job

Individuals who view their work as a career are likely to be more invested and hold themselves to a higher standard.

Conversely, those who view their work as just a job may treat it more transactionally and may miss out on opportunities for growth and development.

Overcoming Cognitive Ruts

Cognitive ruts, or patterns of thinking that limit personal growth, can be overcome by expanding one’s thinking and challenging usual ways of operating.

Diversifying experiences and knowledge can also contribute to breaking free from cognitive ruts.

The Power of Caring Deeply

When people truly care about what they’re doing, they naturally hold themselves to a higher standard.

However, this can also lead to becoming too attached and taking things personally.

Balancing deep care for one’s work with a healthy detachment can lead to better performance.

The Importance of Intentionality in Communication

Intentionality in communication, especially in difficult conversations, can significantly impact the recipient’s perception and response.

Framing feedback as opportunities or challenges, rather than highlighting weaknesses, can foster a more empowering and engaging dialogue.

I think that having a high bar is important. How that’s translated can sometimes be important too… how you bring people to the standard that you expect is incredibly important. You don’t want to do it through fear and intimidation, you want to do it through a way where people feel inspired to rise and to hit their own potential. – Dr. Julie Gurner
