Adapt or die — a stark reality for organizations navigating the ever-evolving workplace landscape. Five significant changes are poised to reshape our work environments, demanding a proactive response from businesses. Let's delve into these transformative shifts and their potential impact.

The world is changing more rapidly than ever and technology is the key enabler driving this transformation

Although these changing forces affect society as a whole, perhaps their biggest impact will be how they reshape the future of work.

  • 5 changes which will impact and force them to adapt as well as a few opportunities created as part of it.

Redefining organizational structures

The trend of flattening organizations will continue to spread in favor of empowering small teams and individual contributors

  • Self-management systems such as holocracy will become more mainstream
  • As more work moves into the digital canvas, geographic proximity to colleagues becomes less important
  • Virtual teams will evolve and become the norm

Reinventing Human Resources

HR decisions and tactics around individuals will become more decentralized and sit within teams.

  • The central HR function will instead be more strategic as it will be responsible for ensuring the right tools and processes are being used by team leads to help them manage their talent effectively and efficiently.
  • HR will use software to automate talent sourcing and move away from job boards with emphasis on poaching passive talent.

Freedom before safety

The organizations of tomorrow will by default not expect talent to remain for multi-year careers

  • Traditional promotion paths, incentive structures, and job security are no longer ways to win and retain the best talent
  • Companies will have to learn to become more agile and dynamic around teamwork and human processes
  • Provide tools and just the right amount of structure to become a “flexible” work environment while remaining efficient

🤖 + 👩‍💼 (machine + human)

Companies will look at individual tasks as opposed to entire jobs

  • The winning model will incorporate machine + human where part of the value creation will come from machines and part from humans
  • Overseeing machines and having the ability to edit and improve them will be core skills

Enhancing the employee experience

Companies should center their efforts around the employee, to create a compelling, enjoyable, and frictionless work environment

  • The focus should be on employee’s growth
  • Employees should be able to move easily and easily move from job to job within a company
