Explore the road less traveled as we delve into unconventional solutions. Unearth the potential of alternative methods, challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries. Welcome to a journey of discovery, where the unexpected becomes the way out.

How to address mental health

Read – read mental health related books or reread favorites to uplift you

  • Write – write to express your feelings to yourself, keeping the writing style heavily subjective and flexible
  • Meditate – sit with your eyes closed and let all the thoughts rush
  • If you are confident enough, put your writing out to the world to help people going through similar situations

Take a break

From social media.

  • Uninstall or set restrictions on social media apps and find other ways to deactivate/delete apps
  • Stalk
  • Instead of stalking that seventh grade crush you don’t talk to or celebrities and influencers posting irrelevant extravaganza, stalk the right accounts.


The right song, podcast, or even an audiobook will do wonders to your thought process

  • Watch
  • Also watch the right content
  • Talk
  • Address your issues and feelings, instead of avoiding or suppressing them
  • Do your thing
  • Paint, draw, play video games, work out, sleep, do your skin care regime, etc.
