Art, the very essence of life

Art, the very essence of life
Art, the very essence of life

Is everything around us a form of Art? This may seem a little confusing, but yes it is. It’s just the way in which you see things and it’s the personal opinion of everyone of what is an art to them and what is not. Let us understand with some examples:

How to find your niche in Art?

Make a list of all those things You are passionate about

  • Do in your daily life with full focus without any pressure at your own will
  • You unconsciously become focused while doing those things
  • Find the one thing which matches all these requirements

Is art a substitute for meditation?

According to my experience yes, while doing art you are in the same state of mind as you are while meditating.

Benefits of Art

Stress reliever

  • Can help you escape harsh realities of life
  • Helps you live a happy and peaceful life throughout
  • Find your niche of art, practice it, and you’ll see improvements in your life along the way
  • You’ll discover what works best for you
