How to Improve Your Sleep: Use the QQR formula #HubermanLab
Establishing a calming pre-sleep routine and removing clock faces from the bedroom can aid in relaxation, faster sleep onset, and overall improved sleep quality.
Establishing a calming pre-sleep routine and removing clock faces from the bedroom can aid in relaxation, faster sleep onset, and overall improved sleep quality.
This is boring and might put you to sleep...
Big ideas from Mark Manson's conversation with Kevin Rose
"Fear of failure often leads to inaction or lack of ambition"
It’s never too late and it’s never too late to change… the change never stops. – Mark Manson
Do we own the process or does the process own us?
The greatest health insurance policy that I know of that is universally available, largely free, and mostly painless is this thing called the night of sleep. – Dr. Matthew Walker
Being able to go in and say, ‘Hey, we’re an AI product, we’re a copilot to these users and we give them these superpowers,’ that sells really well. – TK Kader
The vast majority of successful companies started by dominating a market that was too small for the market leader to care about. – April Dunford