Hypothyroidism is the state of a disease in humans caused by inadequate production of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland. It can also be caused by iodine deficiency or as a result of postpartum thyroidism. It is one of the diseases that spread slowly. So, today we will tell you the effectiveness of bay leaves and cinnamon

Prevention Tips:

The problem of hypothyroidism first requires lifestyle and dietary changes.

Bottom Line

Hypothyroidism is a disease which occur due to imbalance in thyroid hormone production

For how many days should one take cinnamon and honey to lose 10kg weight?

Consult with your dietitian.


Red meat contains a lot of cholesterol which can lead to faster weight gain in the body. People with thyroid problem should avoid consumption of red meat.

  • Include iodine rich foods in the meal as it helps in production of thyroid hormone.
  • Eating a diet rich in iron and copper is also very beneficial in thyroid.

Bay Leaves In Hypothyroidism For Weight Loss

Bay leaves enrich with calcium (83%) which promote strong bones and teeth by preventing bone loss and supporting bone growth.

  • It also contain iron (53.7%) which is effective against anemia and copper (46%) and manganese (35.5%) help to prevent premature hair greying, iris discoloration and support thyroid hormone production.

Mild Hypothyroidism

TSH levels can be increased from 5.5 to 10 mU/L but thyroxine (ThyroxineT4) levels can still stay in normal in most of the patients.

  • The level of T3 does not drop much unless the disease develops. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, liquid interception, etc.

Moderate Hypothyroidism

TSH level within the range of 10 to 20 mU/L, and T3 and T4 are in low levels.

  • It is very important to check and fix this, as it increases the risk of miscarriage and fetal death in women.


The function of your thyroid is to produce hormones.

  • When it becomes inactive, the rest of the body’s actions begin to be affected including: metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate, mood, mood swings, and sleep apnea.

Is Honey, Lemon and Chia Seeds Mixed Drink Helting in Weight Loss?

Yes, indeed it helps in weight loss.

Cinnamon and honey for weight loss

Cinnamon helps in reducing systolic blood pressure by 5.39mm.

  • But, whether to take it with BP medicine ATMAS-AT is depends upon your health condition. It is advisable to consult with your doctor before going for it.

Cinnamon In Hypothyroidism For Weight Loss

Cinnamon is rich in polyphenolic compounds with anti-obesogenic properties.

  • Intake of cinnamon water suppress serum total T3 level along with serum T4 and TSH level.
  • Consumption of cinnamon can reduce excess fat accumulated in the body.

Halasana Yoga

Doing yoga is also effective for the problem of thyroid.

Does methi, carom and cinnamon powder help with weight loss?

Yes, all of these are good for weight loss.

Side effects

No serious side effects have been showed.

Myxedema Coma

If hypothyroidism is not treated in time, it can increase to become a Myx-edema coma

  • Very dangerous condition, very low production of thyroid hormone is characterized by it
  • The body is unable to withstand stress, cold weather, and surgical conditions
