Introduction to SEO Search Engine Optimization, more commonly referred to as SEO, is one of the most crucial aspects of marketing. As such, if you’re working to market your blog or your business, you need to know what SEO means and what the rules and ways of SEO success are.

What is SEO?

SEO refers to the process of making a website more visible on a search engine’s results page

  • A great SEO strategy will put a company’s website at the top of the list on a Google search page, therefore increasing the likelihood that people will visit the site
  • Search engines work by searching the Internet to find text that meets certain criteria
  • Keywords refer to the most important theme(s) of the website

SEO Tools and Services

As your marketing efforts progress, you may want to consider securing additional SEO tools and services.

  • Google’s Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Google AdWords Keywords Tool, Google Alerts, Google Trends, DoubleClick Ad Planner, Google Page Speed, Google Site Map, etc.

Keyword Research

Keywords are the words that people use when conducting a search, and should be words that are included in the content of your webpage.

  • When deciding what keywords you should include in your text, you should consider things such as the relevancy of the keyword(s) to your website and company, as well as the competitors that are using the same keywords.

SEO Introduction

More Important Factors

  • Other factors to consider when developing an SEO strategy include links, titles, meta descriptions, headings, subheadings, originality of content, images and videos, and your audience.
  • SEO success is dependent upon your content as a whole
  • Content greatly affects SEO. The more relevant your content is, the higher it will rank
