Bilateral Stimulation: Definition, Methods, Benefits, and Effectiveness

Bilateral Stimulation: Definition, Methods, Benefits, and Effectiveness

Bilateral stimulation, drawing from EMDR therapy, is sometimes referred to as “resource installation” or “resource tapping” and is a method of processing traumatic memories and recalling and strengthening resources. It helps people recall fragmented traumatic memories to integrate and process them. What is Bilateral Stimulation?

What Does Bilateral Stimulation Do?

Bilateral stimulation helps people process traumatic memories.

Research and Effectiveness

Several studies have shown that EMDR therapy that features bilateral stimulation can be highly effective

Key Takeaways

Those who have experienced trauma can benefit from the increased processing fostered by bilateral stimulation.

How Does Bilateral Stimulation Work?

Traumatic memories are not processed and stored the way other memories are because, during a traumatic experience, a person’s information processing system is derailed. This leaves memories fragmented, unprocessed, and can cause symptoms and issues that disrupt a person’s life.

Conditions That Might Benefit From Bilateral Stimulation

This process is used to help people process traumatic memories, and as such, children, adolescents, and adults with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can benefit greatly.


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