Break Out Of The Comfort Zone With These 16 Exercises

Break Out Of The Comfort Zone With These 16 Exercises
Break Out Of The Comfort Zone With These 16 Exercises

Breaking out of your comfort zone can be a daunting task. Yet, it's a necessary step towards personal growth and development. Discover 16 exercises designed to challenge your boundaries and propel you into a world of new experiences and opportunities.

16 experts share their best tricks and tips for leaving your comfort zone

Take 2 new actions every day

  • Get ‘Grounded’ first
  • Adopt a Service Mindset
  • Change Your Perspective
  • Visualize Best- And Worst-Case Scenarios
  • Be crystal clear on what you want to achieve
  • Challenge beliefs that are getting in the way of your success

Try Working Backward

Focus on your reward. Give yourself a reward for taking action.

  • Challenge your thinking. Ask yourself, “How do I know?”
  • Do A Trial Run Of Your Top Goals. If you can’t imagine yourself at a higher level, achieving them will be more difficult.

Follow This ‘9-6-3’ Strategy

Start Where You Find Joy

  • Practice ‘Fast Decisions’ and ‘Fast Action’.
  • Lean Into Uncertainty
  • Envision Yourself As Someone Else
  • Set Goals That Stretch You
  • Change One Thing Every Day
  • Introduce one novel thing into each day
