Building a Second Brain – Tiago Forte

Building a Second Brain  – Tiago Forte
Building a Second Brain – Tiago Forte

Building a Second Brain is a book written by Tiago Forte and published by Atria Books in 2022. The book is about how everyone should use digital tools to organize their knowledge, create a powerful second brain, and unlock their creative potential.

It provides a proven method for capturing, organizing, and sharing knowledge in a digital format, including the CODE Method and PARA principles. 

Additionally, the book introduces Progressive Summarization, a powerful technique for distilling knowledge from a wide range of sources into powerful insights and actionable plans.

What is a Second Brain?

A Second Brain can be thought of as your personal assistant, but better. It is a versatile tool that combines the functions of a study notebook, personal journal, and sketchbook for new ideas. With perfect memory and the ability to scale to any size, it is always on and can adapt to your changing needs over time. By delegating tasks of capturing, organizing, and distilling information to technology, you can free up time and energy for self-expression.

A Second Brain is also known by other names such as Personal cloud, field notes, external brain, extended mind, digital archive, digital garden, digital commonplace book, Zettelkasten (meaning “slip box” in German, coined by influential sociologist Niklas Luhmann), and Memex (a word invented by American inventor Vannevar Bush).

The four superpowers of your second brain

  • The first superpower of the Second Brain is turning vague concepts into tangible entities that can be observed, edited, and combined.
  • The second superpower is facilitating connectivity between diverse ideas, increasing the likelihood of unexpected associations.
  • The third superpower is incubating ideas over time, allowing the accumulation of imagination and turning the passage of time into an advantage.
  • The fourth superpower is sharpening unique perspectives by gathering various examples, illustrations, stories, and statistics to support arguments and ideas.

The Code Method: Organize

It’s important to organize this environment for actionability and focus on active projects. The best way to do this is to organize notes into four categories: Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives (PARA).

  • Projects refer to short-term efforts that have a clear beginning and end and require a specific outcome.
  • Areas are long-term responsibilities that require a standard to be upheld.
  • Resources are topics or interests that may become actionable in the future.
  • Archives are inactive items from the other categories that are stored for safekeeping.

By using PARA, we can streamline the vast amount of information out there and have a clear filter for ignoring everything else, leading to a sense of clarity and purpose.

The Code Method: Express

In order to effectively express your ideas and knowledge with others, you need to create a system for managing the smaller pieces of work that make up your projects. These smaller pieces are called Intermediate Packets (IPs) and can include distilled notes, outtakes, work-in-process, final deliverables, and documents created by others.

Reusing IPs frees up your attention for more creative thinking.

To retrieve these IPs, there are four methods: search, browsing, tags, and serendipity.

Search is useful when you know what you’re looking for, browsing allows for gradual navigation and contextual clues, tags infuse your Second Brain with connections, and serendipity involves keeping your focus broad, utilizing visual patterns, and sharing ideas with others to introduce an element of unpredictability.

Reasons for using a digital notetaking app contd.

  • Open-ended: Taking notes is a continuous process that never really ends, and you don’t always know where it might lead. Unlike specialized software that is designed for a specific kind of output, such as slide decks or videos, notes are ideal for free-form exploration before you have a goal in mind.
  • Action-oriented: Personal notes don’t need to be comprehensive or precise like a library or research database. Instead, they are designed to help you quickly capture stray thoughts and remain focused on the task at hand.

Executing creativity

To execute creative ideas successfully, the groundwork of gathering and organizing source material needs to be completed beforehand. Innovation and problem-solving require a routine that brings interesting ideas to our awareness.

The CODE Method is designed to help us use our digital tools to support our creative first brain. Building a Second Brain involves standardizing our work processes to improve our creativity and innovation.

Stages of Using Your Second Brain

There are three ways that people tend to use their Second Brain:

  1. Memory Aid: Initially, people use their digital notes as a memory aid to save important facts and ideas that may be difficult to recall later. For instance, they might save takeaways from meetings, quotes from interviews, or project details.
  2. Thinking Tool: The Second Brain evolves from being primarily a memory tool to becoming a thinking tool. People start connecting ideas together, seeing patterns, and developing new insights. They use their Second Brain to explore ideas, brainstorm, and come up with creative solutions.
  3. Creating New Things: Eventually, people start using their Second Brain to create new things. They have a lot of knowledge on a subject and decide to turn it into something concrete and shareable. With so much supporting material at their disposal, they feel confident enough to put their ideas out there and have a positive impact on others.

The Code Method: Capture

The CODE Method is a modern approach to creating a commonplace book that helps people navigate the endless streams of information in the Information Age. The first step is to Capture only the noteworthy ideas and insights by taking on a Curator’s Perspective.

External and internal knowledge assets such as quotes, voice memos, reflections, and musings can be kept in a trusted place controlled by the individual. A helpful rule of thumb is to capture no more than 10 percent of the original source to avoid wading through excessive material in the future.

Benefits of the BASB system

The BASB system can help you to:

  • Find anything you’ve learned, touched, or thought about in the past within seconds.
  • Organize your knowledge and use it consistently to move your projects and goals forward.
  • Save your best thinking so you don’t have to do it again.
  • Connect ideas and identify patterns across different areas of your life to improve your overall quality of living.
  • Adopt a reliable system that helps you share your work confidently and with ease.
  • Turn work “off” and relax, knowing you have a trusted system keeping track of all the details.
  • Spend less time searching for things and more time doing your best, most creative work.

Why use a digital notetaking app?

There are several reasons why a digital notetaking app can be helpful:

  • Multimedia: Just like a paper notebook can contain various types of content such as drawings, sketches, quotes, and ideas, a digital notes app can store all these different formats in one place, making it easy to find and organize your notes.
  • Informal: Taking notes is an inherently messy process, so there’s no need for perfect spelling or polished presentation. A digital notes app makes it easy and frictionless to jot things down as soon as they occur to you, which is essential for allowing nascent ideas to grow.

The Code Method: Discoverability

The essence of an idea can be conveyed in just a sentence or two, even if it takes hundreds of pages to fully explain it.

Discoverability is important in note-taking, which refers to how easily information can be found in a search of a file or database. Progressive summarization is a note-taking technique that involves highlighting the most important points in layers.

  • Layer 1 involves capturing the initial excerpts,
  • layer 2 involves bolding the main points and most important takeaways,
  • layer 3 involves highlighting the best of the best passages, and
  • layer 4 involves creating an executive summary.

Each layer should include no more than 10-20% of the previous layer. For example, if you save a series of excerpts from a book amounting to 500 words, the highlighted third layer should include no more than 20 words.
