When teams come together, ideally you get the right mix of talent, motivation, trust, and alignment to achieve the objectives at hand. However, when forming a team there are some major derailers that can occur that I call team killers, where progression is replaced by retrogression. Here are the top five team killers.

The Brilliant Jerk

The brilliant jerk is highly intelligent and talented but they are equally caustic and disagreeable

  • Their immense value is diminished because no one likes them and therefore cannot work with them
  • As a leader, you deal with complaints from the brilliant jerk and are reduced to team referee

The Information Hoarder

The information hoarder prides themselves on knowing key information and then not sharing it with the team

  • This creates a single point of failure because an individual has all the information that is critical to advance team initiatives
  • When information isn’t shared, it impacts the decision making process, creates silos within the team, and increases duplication of efforts

The Interrupter

Interruptions can have a chilling effect on team dynamics and create an environment that stifles the creativity of the group

  • The best idea should win, not the loudest voice
  • Moderate the interruptions by setting a meeting agenda, asking for everyone’s opinion, or appointing a rotating team member to run the meeting

The Gossip

Gossip can impact how the team is formed and morale

  • Shut down a gossiper when their behavior diminishes team effectiveness
  • Emphasize the importance of professionalism and only communicate verified information
  • Don’t get drawn into the muck of hurt feelings and complaints

Project Team Laggard

In a professional setting, if a laggard is left unchecked, they can create resentment and perpetuate burnout and workload imbalance on the team.

  • If you have a chronic underperformer, find a way to help them meet their potential or consider parting ways
