Can’t seem to meditate? 7 joyful activities for you to try instead

Can’t seem to meditate? 7 joyful activities for you to try instead

Struggling with meditation? Don't fret. There are numerous joyful activities that can offer similar benefits. Let's explore seven such alternatives that can help you find tranquility and mindfulness, without the traditional meditation practices.

Why don’t I meditate?

Meditation promotes calm and compassion, decreases stress, and improves attention and concentration

Watching Bob Ross painting videos

Some researchers believe that Ross’s soft baritone and the swishy sounds of his brush against the canvas trigger ASMR reactions, also known as “brain tingles.”


Allows you to transform uncomfortable feelings creatively – not to avoid them but to work with them in a generative, dynamic way.

Morning pages

Write three long-hand pages first thing in the morning, writing without stopping and allowing whatever thoughts arise to go onto the page.


Coloring a complex abstract design such as a mandala or a plaid pattern can reduce anxiety in a meaningful way


Mindful movement helps engage the body as well as the mind in the act of quiet reflection.


Research shows that rhythmic quality of drumming can be a powerful aid for mental health

Cloud gazing

An appealing alternative to meditation


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