Change the Culture, Change the Game – Roger Connors and Tom Smith

Change the Culture, Change the Game – Roger Connors and Tom Smith

“Change the Culture, Change the Game” discusses how organizations can create and sustain high-performance cultures by focusing on four key results: engage employees, grow profits, delight customers, and create accountability.

Culture is a Game-Changer

Culture is not just a buzzword; it can be a game-changer for organizations. The authors argue that the culture of an organization is critical to its success and that by changing the culture, an organization can change the game. When an organization’s culture supports its strategic objectives, it can create a sustainable competitive advantage.

Create Accountability

Creating accountability is the final key result that organizations should focus on. The authors argue that by creating a culture of accountability, organizations can ensure that their employees are delivering results that align with the organization’s strategic objectives.

To create accountability, organizations should set clear expectations, provide feedback and coaching, and recognize and reward high performance.

Use a Cultural Blueprint

To create a high-performance culture, organizations should use a cultural blueprint. The authors argue that a cultural blueprint provides a clear roadmap for achieving the desired culture. A cultural blueprint should include the organization’s values, behaviors, and systems that support high performance.

Focus on Leadership

The authors argue that leaders must model the behaviors they want to see in their employees, hold themselves and others accountable, and continuously communicate the organization’s strategic objectives and values. To change the culture, organizations must start with their leaders.

Grow Profits

Growing profits is another key result that organizations should focus on. The authors argue that by creating a culture that supports innovation, efficiency, and cost control, organizations can improve their bottom line. To grow profits, organizations should align their employees’ behaviors with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Focus on Results and Culture

To create a high-performance culture, organizations must focus on both results and culture. The authors argue that organizations should not choose between achieving results and cultivating a culture that supports those results; rather, they should focus on both simultaneously.

Delight Customers

Delighting customers is a crucial result that organizations should prioritize. The authors argue that organizations that focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty can create a sustainable competitive advantage.

To delight customers, organizations should understand their needs, provide exceptional service, and continuously improve their offerings.

Identify and Address Cultural Gaps

To change the culture, organizations must first identify their cultural gaps. The authors argue that organizations should assess their current culture and compare it to the culture they need to achieve their strategic objectives. By identifying cultural gaps, organizations can develop a plan to address them.

The Four Results

The authors identify four key results that organizations should focus on: engage employees, grow profits, delight customers, and create accountability. By prioritizing these results, organizations can create a culture that supports high performance.

Engage Employees

Engaging employees is critical to creating a high-performance culture. The authors argue that employees who are engaged with their work are more productive, innovative, and committed to the organization’s success. To engage employees, organizations should provide a compelling purpose, clear expectations, and opportunities for growth and development.


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