Contrarian Money and Writing Advice, Three Simple Goals to Guide Your Life | Morgan Housel | The Tim Ferris Show

Contrarian Money and Writing Advice, Three Simple Goals to Guide Your Life | Morgan Housel | The Tim Ferris Show

In a revealing conversation with Morgan Housel, a partner at The Collaborative Fund, fascinating insights are shared about the value of money, the concept of social debt, and the importance of focusing on constants rather than unpredictable variables.

Housel, an acclaimed author and financial writer, discusses his unique approach to writing and his philosophy of life, providing valuable advice and thought-provoking perspectives.

Value of Money

The value of money lies in the hard work that goes into earning it.

Giving children less money, not just in terms of inheritance but also in allowances and toys, can help them learn the value of hard work and money.

This approach promotes self-dependence and a better understanding of financial management from an early age.

The reason that money is valuable is because you usually have to work hard for it. If you don’t have to work hard for it becomes not that valuable to you. – Morgan Housel

The Power of Patience

Patience is a powerful virtue, especially when it comes to achieving long-term goals.

Whether it’s accumulating wealth, writing a book, or building a successful business, patience and persistence are key to overcoming challenges and achieving success.

The Importance of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is crucial for personal growth and self-improvement.

It helps individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions that align with their values and goals.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency is key to achieving long-term success in any endeavor.

Whether it’s investing, writing, or any other pursuit, staying consistent and committed, even in the face of challenges, can lead to significant progress over time.

Learning Through Earning

Every cent given to children, particularly older ones, robs them of the opportunity to learn about earning and managing money.

This perspective is exemplified in an anecdote about billionaire investor Shelby Davis, who didn’t give his grandchildren a single cent, believing that giving money would rob them of the opportunity to earn their own income.

The Importance of Independence

Sometimes, it’s better to let children figure things out on their own.

The process of learning and overcoming challenges independently can foster resilience, problem-solving skills, and a sense of accomplishment.

This principle applies not only to financial matters but also to various aspects of life, such as learning new skills or navigating complex situations.

Perspective on Philanthropy

Philanthropy, particularly for ultra-high net worth individuals, should not be postponed with the subtext of preserving wealth for their children.

Giving back to society and making a positive impact should be a priority.

However, giving away large sums of money can be challenging due to the complexity of ensuring effective use and gauging the impact of contributions.

Hypothetical Wealth Distribution

If one were to possess a billion dollars, a balanced approach to wealth distribution might involve providing for children’s education, healthcare, a wedding, and family vacations, without planning to leave them a significant death inheritance.

Instead, giving them a small amount of money when they most need it in their thirties and forties could be more beneficial.


Microphilanthropy, or directly helping individuals rather than donating to large charities, can be a more personal and impactful way of giving.

However, it can also be challenging due to the lack of feedback or acknowledgment, which makes it difficult to gauge the impact of contributions.

Challenge of Large-scale Philanthropy

Giving away large sums of money, like those possessed by billionaires, is a complex task.

It’s challenging to run large charity programs effectively and satisfy everyone, much like managing the federal government.

Therefore, strategic planning, transparency, and effective management are crucial for large-scale philanthropy.

The Role of Money in Life

Money can provide a sense of security and open up opportunities, but it doesn’t necessarily guarantee happiness or satisfaction.

It’s important to understand the role of money in life and manage it wisely to achieve personal goals and maintain a healthy balance between material wealth and emotional well-being.

The Art of Writing

Writing is a form of communication that requires clarity, simplicity, and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

It’s important to write with the reader in mind, using relatable examples and analogies to convey complex ideas in an understandable way.


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