Unravel the age-old debate between copy and design in the context of landing page success. Explore the unique roles they play, their interdependence, and how they collectively contribute to the ultimate goal - conversion.

Design isn’t as important as you think

Many marketers struggle for hours, days, or weeks because they’ve been told design is one of the most significant factors when it comes to landing page performance.

  • Does it impact your conversion rate enough to warrant all that extra work?
  • How does design stack up against other key factors like copy?

Expanding this research with Smart Builder

New data gathered through Smart Builder lets you tell you what aspects of your page design resonate with each of your traffic segments, letting you optimize for specific audiences.

  • Create new variants based on these insights and turn on Smart Traffic to maximize conversion potential for each visitor.

Remember: Design Matters, but Copy is Key

Focus on perfecting your copy to capture the audience you are targeting

  • Smart Copy can give you a bunch of high-converting suggestions based on your industry and the type of content you need
  • Add a few copy changes in your landing page variants and let Smart Traffic direct your customers to the one where they are most likely to convert

How Did We Get Our Data?

For design analysis, Unbounce looked at 36,928 English language page variants active between March 2019 and March 2020

  • They took snapshots of these landing pages and trained various image-based learning models to predict their conversion rates
  • To evaluate copy, they extracted the written content of each landing page and trained a machine-learning model

How Does Design Stack Up Against Copy?

Copy has twice the relative importance compared to design

  • The chart above shows the importance of copy to the overall model prediction.
  • Design may not be as impactful or worthy of stressing about as you may think
  • Across all industries, copy has twice as much influence over design
