COVID and mental health: ‘I really struggled psychologically’

COVID and mental health: ‘I really struggled psychologically’
COVID and mental health: ‘I really struggled psychologically’

One in three COVID patients has to deal with symptoms of a COVID-19 infection that everyone has heard about after more than a year of the corona-pandemic, but few people are aware of the risks the virus posed as well, especially for the elderly and children.

One in three COVID-patients have neurological or psychiatric conditions

Researchers went through electronic health records of 236,000 COVID patients mostly from the US and found that one in three, or 34 percent, had been diagnosed with a psychiatric or neurological condition within six months of being infected with coronavirus.

  • Physical symptoms like a blocked airflow are just one factor to consider in the corona-pandemic

Another reason to take COVID seriously

Possible mental health consequences such as anxiety and depression associated with exposure to COVID

  • There was no significant difference in the number of people with depression between patients with mild and severe COVID-19 compared to those who had to go to the hospital
  • Take the vaccine offered if offered
  • The risks of the vaccine are infinitely smaller compared to the risks of COVID

‘I thought I was having a stroke’

Caroline was never hospitalized but struggled severely with mental health issues during and after her COVID infection.

  • She couldn’t fall asleep without sleeping pills and said she turned into a generally more fearful and depressed person that she had been before.

COVID-19 caused anxiety to peak

Lawrence, a 29-year-old from Virginia, had never struggled with mental health issues before the pandemic

  • After his mother-in-law died of COVID, he began experiencing anxiety
  • He saw a doctor and was prescribed anti-anxiety medication
  • Isolating and going without any human contact can contribute to mental health struggles
