The eLearning market is expected to exceed US $ 241 billion by 2022, so there are a ton of opportunities for anyone looking to start creating online courses. But, if you want to get a slice of this pie, you need to find a niche that people are looking for.

What you need to define before start creating online courses

Is there a market for this product?

  • Market research
  • Researching whether there is an audience interested in your course before creating it is important
  • Planning is the first step to success
  • Start by answering the following questions

Do a keyword research

Google is a powerful tool that you can use to analyze the demand of their course.

Do you have a powerful goal

Be sincere and answer yourself what your goal is

  • If you have no motivation other than money, you may need to rethink your idea of ​​creating online courses.
  • Doing an internal search is just as important as an external search


Powerful SEO tool that evaluates shares on social networks

  • Shows which sites are gaining the most likes, shares, and links related to the subject
  • Helps validate your idea before you start creating online courses and shows you where it’s most interesting to start promoting it

Ask people

Find out who would like to learn from you


Use Amazon’s search engine to find out if there are books on the topic you want to address and if they sell well

  • If you see several results related to your course topic, and if any of them are on Amazon’s Best Sellers list, this is a good indication that you are on the right track

Check the competition

Find out if the topic you intend to address has a demand and if enough people are already trying to solve it.

Do you have a specific target audience?

Define who your client is.

  • What are the problems of this audience? What do they want to achieve? What would be the ideal outcome that your course could offer? How much are they willing to pay to get the desired result?

Create and sell online courses with

You don’t need tons of experience or qualifications

  • All you need is passion for the subject, a willingness to teach and a determination to create well-made and effective online courses that stand out from the competition
  • Create a course that meets the needs of your target audience

Is there a demand for your course topic?

Invest your time, money, and effort in something that is in high demand, otherwise, creating online courses and building a distance education business will be a waste of time

  • Here are some tips to find out if a topic is in demand

3 ways to validate your idea before creating online courses

Conduct a survey to assess whether there is a market for your course


Search for keywords and phrases related to the topic of your course and pay attention to how relevant they are

  • How relevant is your idea of an online course to searchers? In what position does it appear?
  • Are there any paid ads for the topic? Are courses on the web already available?
