Curiosity Is Key for Keeping Your Memory in Top Shape as You Age—Here Are 4 Exercises That Are Better Than

Curiosity Is Key for Keeping Your Memory in Top Shape as You Age—Here Are 4 Exercises That Are Better Than

Unlock the power of curiosity to maintain a sharp memory as you age. Discover four exercises that surpass traditional methods, offering a unique approach to cognitive health. Embrace the journey of lifelong learning and mental agility.

The more neuroplasticity your brain has, the better your memory and cognition might be as you age

Try new things, thinking critically about experiences, and expressing curiosity are also powerful exercises for the brain

Think like a reporter

Condense your day into a headline

Gain a different perspective

It’s natural to surround ourselves with friends who have the same views or scroll through news that is aligned with our politics.

Activate your inner movie (or book) critic

Take a few minutes to analyze the lessons and larger concepts you just consumed.

Get Kids Involved

Have kids? Get them involved with exercises for the brain


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