In a thought-provoking conversation with Tyler Cowen, David Salle, a distinguished painter, sculptor, and filmmaker, delves into the evolution of art and its perception.

Salle challenges the conventional understanding of art, emphasizing the importance of personal interpretation and experience over literal interpretation.

He also critiques the commercialization of museums and the shift in art criticism towards journalism.

The Challenges Faced by Museum Curators

Museum curators are often caught between their expertise and the public’s expectations.

They are often risk-averse due to the oversight from directors and boards, and the potential for controversy.

This risk aversion can limit the diversity and boldness of exhibitions.

The Multifaceted Nature of Art

A good work of art does about 15 things simultaneously.

It serves a decorative function, expresses something true about the time in which it was made, and reveals something about the maker.

This multifaceted nature of art is often overlooked in the literal interpretation.

Critique of American Museums

The focus on ticket sales and private funding in American museums may detract from the true purpose of museums, which is to showcase and preserve art.

The trend of investing heavily in architecture to attract attention and donors is not necessarily conducive to viewing art.

The Test of Time and Aesthetic Quality

The judgment of art should be individual and not necessarily aligned with popular opinion.

Art can have different uses and meanings at different times, and the test of time is not necessarily the best measure of aesthetic quality.

What we think and feel when reacting to a piece of art is more authoritative than what’s written on the label next to it. – David Salle

Art Beyond Literal Interpretation

Art should not be confined to literal interpretation or ‘aboutness’.

Instead, the audience should focus on their own thoughts and feelings when reacting to a piece of art.

This personal interpretation and experience hold more weight than the artist’s intended meaning or the description provided next to the artwork.

Art Criticism as Journalism

Art criticism has shifted towards journalism, focusing more on the artist’s identity or subject matter rather than providing thoughtful criticism.

This shift is attributed to the expansion of the audience for visual arts, leading to a need for interpreters who can explain the art to the audience.

The Role of Taste in Art Appreciation

Taste is an important aspect of art appreciation that is often overlooked or dismissed in academic discussions.

Developing a taste and understanding of art can be achieved by living with an art piece and observing it over time.

This process of collecting, observing, and eventually replacing pieces can lead to a deeper appreciation and understanding of art.

Differences in Art Training

Modern artists are not trained in the same apprentice-guild system as in the 17th century.

Today’s artists, trained in professional art schools, often have to master skills quickly and may not have the same depth of training as artists in the past.

The Influence of Technology on Art

The rise of photography and the centrality of the documentary mode have significantly influenced art.

This shift has changed the role of artists, who are no longer required to document things as they were in the past.

Admiration for the Abstract Expressionist Generation

The abstract expressionist generation is foundational to 20th and 21st-century painting.

These artists moved the needle forward in a way that has remained significant, despite the changing tastes and preferences of different generations.

The reality of art is not as simple as choosing a style from history; it is more about what the artist’s own body and aptitude can do. – David Salle

The Physical Challenges of Painting

Painting is a physical activity that requires both mental concentration and physical stamina.

As an artist ages, the physical body can become a limitation to the scale and duration of work.

Trust Your Immediate Reactions

People should trust their immediate reactions to a work of art, similar to how they react when meeting a new person.

Often, people rely on wall labels or other people’s interpretations, leading to confusion and a disconnect from their actual experience.

Being truthful about one’s experience is crucial, even if the experience is boredom or something unpleasant.
