Decidophobia, the fear of making wrong decisions, can paralyze even the most confident among us. It's a psychological labyrinth that intertwines with our daily lives, often unnoticed. Let's delve into its roots, impacts, and potential coping strategies.

Some of the reasons why:

Lack of clarity

  • Fearing the wrong consequences
  • Assuming others have better perspective
  • Comparing myself to others
  • Too many decisions
  • A list of pending decisions makes one feel stuck and uncomfortable
  • Recognizing the ‘why’ was critical for me to make some progress in sharpening up my decision making

Determine what is in your control vs. not

Embrace the process and don’t judge your success until you’re through with the process

  • When in doubt, take a vacation
  • Sometimes, it’s super refreshing to not think about something for a few days and come back to it with a new perspective

Trust and Confidence

Don’t rely on others to tell you what decision to make

  • Ultimately, it’s your decision and you should lead it with trust and confidence
  • Take a super tough decision
  • The liberation and sense of closure that you get from taking that decision is unmatched
  • Clear the easier decisions from your mind
