Do This to Discover Your Unique Writing Style

Do This to Discover Your Unique Writing Style
Do This to Discover Your Unique Writing Style

Unleashing your unique writing style is a journey of self-discovery and creative exploration. It's about finding your voice, your rhythm, and your narrative. Let's delve into the process of identifying and cultivating your distinctive literary expression.

A writing style is unique because of the writer’s personality

When many of us start writing, we hide our personality. As a result, our writing becomes weak.

  • We care too much about what other people might think. We compare ourselves with writers we admire. We lack confidence in our writing. We try to emulate others too much.

Read your writing out loud

Don’t just read it in your mind, actually speak the words.

  • Listen to what you’re writing and identify what’s wrong or weak
  • Writing is a form of communication, and you’re trying to say something to someone, whether it’s an online audience or an editor

Don’t try too hard

If you want to have a clear, persuasive, and unique writing style, read your writing out loud and see if it sounds like you.

  • Do this often enough and you’ll see parts that need more work. You can tweak those accordingly.
