As the digital landscape expands, so does the arsenal of tools at our disposal. But is there a point of saturation? Let's delve into the necessity and impact of adding another digital tool to your team's repertoire.


Companies are rolling out new technologies faster than employees can learn to use them

  • The cognitive costs of switching between tools are high
  • To reduce this problem, companies should design their tech stack as a single product
  • Three pieces of advice to help solve this issue

Build for average literacy

Anything you adopt should be easy to use for as many of your employees as possible.

  • The pace of digitization inside businesses shows no sign of slowing down in the coming years. It’s up to businesses to make sure that all this new technology speeds up operations rather than inundating workers with more tasks.

Design the tech stack like a single product

Any new element introduced to the stack should work smoothly and automatically, with all the other tools, requiring little to no additional effort by the user.

  • It should simplify the process, shrinking the time it takes for an employee to complete any task.

Conduct A/B testing

Companies should use this to improve their employee experience just as they do their customer experience (CX)

  • Not many organizations have a large group of employees actually use the software in their daily work to test it out.
  • Track the differences between employees who do and do not use the new technology
