Eight Keys to Forgiveness

Eight Keys to Forgiveness
Eight Keys to Forgiveness

Unlocking the power of forgiveness can be a transformative journey. Explore the eight keys that can guide you towards this liberating path, helping you to let go of past hurts, foster personal growth, and cultivate inner peace.

When another person hurts us, it can upend our lives

Forgiveness is strong medicine for this

  • When we hold on to hurt, we are emotionally and cognitively hobbled, and our relationships suffer.
  • There is nothing as effective as forgiveness for healing deep wounds.

Forgive yourself

If you are not feeling lovable because of actions you’ve taken, you may need to work on self-forgiveness and offer to yourself what you offer to others who have hurt you: a sense of inherent worth, despite your actions.

  • Self-forgiving allows you to honor yourself as a person, even if you are imperfect.

Know what forgiveness is and why it matters

Forgiveness is about goodness, about extending mercy to those who’ve harmed us, even if they don’t “deserve” it

  • Studies have shown that forgiving others produces strong psychological benefits for the one who forgives
  • Working on forgiveness can help us increase our self-esteem and give us a sense of inner strength and safety

Find meaning in your suffering

Don’t look for suffering in order to grow or try to find goodness in another’s bad actions

  • See how our suffering has changed us in a positive way
  • Even as one suffers, it’s possible to develop short-term and sometimes long-range goals in life

Become “forgivingly fit”

Make a conscious effort to do no harm and refrain from talking disparagingly about those who’ve hurt you.

  • Recognize that every person is unique, special, and irreplaceable – cultivate a mindset of valuing our common humanity and treating those who have harmed you as unworthy.

When forgiveness is hard, call upon other strengths

Forgiveness is always hard when dealing with deep injustices from others

  • Surround yourself with good and wise people who support you and who have the patience to allow you time to heal in your own way
  • Practice humility – realize that we are all capable of imperfection and suffering

Develop a forgiving heart

If you shed bitterness and put love in its place, and then repeat this with many, many other people, you become freed to love more widely and deeply. This kind of transformation can create a legacy of love that will live on long after you’re gone.

Address your inner pain

Figure out who has hurt you and how

  • Look carefully at the people in your life and rate how much they have hurt you
  • The more hurt you have incurred, the more important it is to forgive, at least for the purpose of experiencing emotional healing

Develop a forgiving mind through empathy

If you examine some of the details in the life of the person who harmed you, you can often see more clearly what wounds he carries and start to develop empathy for him

  • Try to imagine him as an innocent child, needing love and support.
  • You may recognize her as a vulnerable person who was wounded and wounded you in return.
