EMPOWERED – Marty Cagan

EMPOWERED – Marty Cagan

Understanding Empowered Teams and how they function

Decision Making

To empower, decisions are pushed down to the product team level.

Three Snaky rules of Decision-Making:

Empowered engineers are the single most important thing that you can have in a company.


Collaboration is at the heart of how strong product teams work. It’s a combination of skills and mindset, and it often takes active coaching by the manager to help new product people develop this capability. 

Characteristics of strong product teams:

Optimized Team Design

A product organization’s team topology answers questions such as: 

How many product teams should our organization have? 

What is the scope of responsibility of each team? 

What are the skills required for each team, and how many of each skill? 

What are the dependencies between the teams?  

Optimise team design for:

Keys To An Effective One-On-One Meeting With The Product Person

Product Leadership

For product leaders, the product team is the product. 

Leadership is about recognizing that there’s greatness in everyone, and your job is to create an environment where that greatness can emerge. People look to leadership for inspiration, and we look to management for execution. 

To have truly empowered product teams, your success depends very directly on first‐level people managers. 

Three steps to The Transformation

Leadership is about recognizing that there’s greatness in everyone, and your job is to create an environment where that greatness can emerge.

The Challenges In Traditional Organizations

The Role of Technology: When it comes to technology, many businesses still have the old IT mindset. It is regarded as a necessary expense rather than a key business enabler. The purpose of technology teams is to “serve the business.”

Leadership: The product team is not empowered. It has a command-and-control leadership style and acts in the best interests of the business stakeholders, not the team

Empowered Teams: Teams are not empowered to solve problems in ways customers love. Feature teams are responsible for pushing out features (output) rather than enabling outcomes.

Give teams problems to solve, rather than features to build. Empower them to solve those problems in the best way they see fit.

Signs Your Team Design Is Not Fit-For-Purpose

Start The Transformation

You need to move your product organization from a subservient model to a collaborative model. 

Four focus areas:

Management responsibilities

The litmus test for empowerment is that the team is able to decide the best way to solve the problems they have been assigned (the objectives). 

Unless leaders trust the teams this empowerment will not happen.

The Six Types Of Strategic Context

Feature Teams Vs Empowered Teams

In traditional organizations, feature teams focus on features and projects (output) and, as such, are not empowered or held accountable for results. 

Empowered Product teams create solutions that are:

The Three Critical Differences

Three critical differences between the strongest product companies and the rest: 

  1. How the company views the role of technology. 
  2. The role product leaders play. 
  3. How the company views the purpose of the product teams—the product managers, product designers, and engineers.

Attributes of Great Product People

Developing and Coaching: The Main Job Of A Leader

Team Objectives: The Right Way

If the company is still using feature teams, as most unfortunately are, then the OKR technique is going to be a cultural mismatch, and almost certainly prove a waste of time and effort. 

In the vast majority of companies that are struggling to value out of OKRs, the role of leadership is largely missing in action. 

Three prerequisites for OKR’s:


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