Extreme questions to trigger new, better ideas

Extreme questions to trigger new, better ideas

Are you stuck in a creative rut? Extreme questions could be your ticket out. They challenge conventional thinking, provoke innovation, and inspire better ideas. Let's explore how these potent queries can revolutionize your problem-solving approach.

A fantastic idea fulfilling the right extreme can be a company’s entire strategy, unlocking a long-term competitive moat.

There will be 10x more customers in the future than there are now, but only if we build a product for them

Meetings are still the best way to accomplish certain things

Social bonding, deep discussions where ideas rapidly ricochet off each other, decisions where it’s important to “look in everyone’s eyes” to get the final agreement, and more

How would on-boarding need to be improved to the point where customers would self-serve and be happy doing it?

This might be the hardest step because the customer is least-familiar with your product and therefore less-motivated to power through barriers to their success.

Flipped business model

What if you were forced to charge customers in a completely different manner?

What would be the most fun thing to build?

It has to be something that makes our product better

No meetings

What if you made your most introverted teammates’ dreams come true?

Only one thing this year

Think of only the absolutely most impactful ideas, which are probably the ones you should be focused on regardless of the time constraints

Complete rip-off

Competing only on features results in bullet-point battles


A 1000-page book can be summarized in a 40-page Cliff’s Notes


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