We’re in the best period in history to be a freelancer or solopreneur. There are more opportunities and there’s never been lesser of a barrier to entry. Mastering this approach is what’s helped me attract clients and offers on a regular basis – without even trying

Building In Public

The best way to attract clients in 2022 is to build your own brand online.

  • When people see your build an engaged following, when they see you write so well for yourself, they want you to do the same for them – this is just how the human brain works today – we’re conditioned by conglomerates to compare and contrast our lives with what we see online.


Building your personal brand online takes boredom and rejections out of the equation.

  • Everyone likes talking about themselves, all you have to do is speak about yourself in a way that will help your audience.
  • With patience and persistence, you’ll get all the rewards you can possibly imagine.

The Upside Of Doing What You Love

Clients trust you when they see that you’ve already written a whole library of great content for free.

  • When you create online and you’re passionate about what you’re doing, you eventually get good and build an audience.
  • The fact that this also draws clients to you is the perfect added bonus.

Blueprint To Follow

Try different things until you find something you love doing.

  • Once you find what you like doing, prioritize it and go without any validation or reward at the beginning
  • Go a few months without any money or attention in return, let alone offers from clients
  • Practice in public and get good at it and build a content brand
  • If you’ve stuck to it for long enough and gotten good, opportunities will start coming to you without you having to go looking for them
