Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg shares his success secrets, and we have listed the most prominent of them. Happy Birthday, Mark! Facebook CEO shares his secrets for success and how he became a billionaire by the age of thirty and his secret to success: hard work, talent, and hard work.

Do not be afraid to take risks

Zuckerberg once said, “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail are not taking risks.”

  • He dabbled in programming since he was in school
  • The version of the “Risk” game was his first creation
  • His next program was some kind of “smart” media player called Synapse
  • Microsoft was ready to pay him a lot for that program
  • Mark took risks and declined the offer

Work hard and show results

It’s extremely hard to succeed without trying hard.

If you do something, do it well

If you develop/create something, then it is better to do it as if you plan to use it yourself

If you’ve got the idea – start your own business

Zuckerberg used to say that if one had some brains, there was no reason to work for somebody else.

  • He began classes at Harvard, which is quite a prestigious educational institution, but was not a very good student
  • This is where Zuckerberg started to test his “joining students in one social network” idea

Broaden your horizons

Mark Zuckerberg never limited himself to one single sphere of knowledge

  • He studied ancient languages, Classics, and fencing, and psychology, among other things
  • Becoming a domain expert is important, but it is equally important not to lose sight of the fact that human life is meaningful, rich, beautiful, and multidimensional

Do not be afraid to start, even if your aim is not clear

“Waiting for the right moment” is usually a waste of time

  • Silicon Valley companies, for example, can be opened on a whim
  • You will feel something if the new thing would appear to be a worthwhile one
