One of our deepest desires is for freedom: to be free of stress, anxiety, a frustrating person, a difficult situation, financial struggles, health problems, the daily grind, distractions, feeling inadequate. So many books, products and other paid solutions offer a version of this freedom.
The Obstacle to Our Freedom
We are the ones who create the feeling of frustration
- How we view the other person, or the situation, creates our feeling of stress, frustration, anger, disappointment
- If our views are responsible for this difficulty, we have the power to change the situation
Creating Freedom in Any Moment
When someone is acting in a frustrating way, we can absolutely create freedom for ourselves by getting out of the situation, going for a walk, finding the freedom of nature.
- How can we find freedom?
- Recognize that you are frustrated, and bring awareness to the view that is causing the frustration
- Ask if the view is helping you or serving you
- Loosen your grip on the view
- Experience the world free of views
- See the objects, the light, the colors and textures, the space of the world around us
- Bring in a new, helpful perspective
The Power of Finding This Freedom
If we learn to practice this kind of freedom in any moment, we start to have much more choice.
- Eventually, we can be free to do anything: launch a business, write and publish a book, put our creations on social media, connect with people online, be on a stage, create a movement.