Flip the Funnel: How to Use Existing Customers to Gain New Ones by Joseph Jaffe offers a revolutionary approach to customer acquisition and retention. The book challenges traditional marketing strategies and introduces a new paradigm that focuses on customer retention as the primary driver for growth.

Rethinking Marketing Funnels

Jaffe challenges the traditional marketing funnel, which focuses on attracting new customers, and proposes flipping it to focus on retaining existing customers and turning them into brand advocates.

Embracing Technology

The book encourages businesses to embrace technology to improve customer experience.

Digital platforms can be used to facilitate dialogue, offer incentives, and activate customers.

Leveraging Social Media

Jaffe emphasizes the importance of leveraging social media for customer engagement.

Social platforms can amplify positive customer experiences and spread word-of-mouth marketing.

Measuring Success

The book stresses the importance of measuring customer retention and advocacy.

These metrics, Jaffe argues, are more significant indicators of business success than traditional metrics like sales volume.