Data privacy and consumer identity have been topics of conversation in the ad tech industry for a long time now. With the widespread use of the internet and the desire for companies to be more transparent with their motives, consumers are getting smarter about how their data is gathered online. This has led to several voices calling for changes to the way consumer identity data is handled.

The Consumer is More Than a Participant

As consumer behavior changes, brands must shift towards a conversation-based approach instead of seeing consumer engagement as an end goal to be reached.

  • Companies looking to evolve with consumer wants should be integrating AI with pre-existing ideas of human creativity and intelligence to bring to life answers to the questions consumers search for.

Players in the direct-to-consumer market are creating big disruptions in the data-driven advertising space

  • The industry is quickly pivoting from a world of ubiquitous consumer data to one where it’s significantly more controlled, managed, and safeguarded
  • This leaves brands little choice but to turn away from traditional advertising methods and find new ways to harness consumer data, such as first-party cookies through privacy compliant technologies

Walled Garden vs. Open Web

The walled garden ecosystem is growing rapidly as big players such as Amazon and Facebook erect walls to protect their data and assets

  • These walled gardens are incredibly disruptive to the future of data-driven advertising as they block the gathering of data from any outside advertisers
  • For publishers and marketers to survive this large-scale shift of content to closed ecosystems, companies need to improve their first-party data and bolster their direct relationships with consumers

Personalized Marketing

Due to the boom of social media, consumers can connect with brands at various touch points across the customer journey.

Between You and Me

Advertisers who have consistently viewed cookies as the end-all-be-all for personalization tactics are going to have to get smart about their next move

Privacy regulations such as CCPA and GDPR require the consent of users and a designated opt-out policy.

  • Identity solutions such as LiveRamp’s RampID and Unified ID 2.0 offer brands a way to personalize communications with their audiences across all media channels while still adhering to privacy regulations via acquired consent.
