Googling Is a Skill: 4 Advanced Search Tips to Ask Google the Right Way

Googling Is a Skill: 4 Advanced Search Tips to Ask Google the Right Way

Mastering the art of Google search is a vital 21st-century skill. Unearth the secrets of advanced search techniques and learn how to ask Google the right questions to get the most accurate results. Let's delve into the world of efficient Googling.

Backend (Python) Software Engineer

Ask Google

Use the link: command, immediately followed by the name of a page. Example: link:hackernoon. Google will give you web pages that link to Hackernoon’s official website.

Conclusion Yosh! That’s the end. But really, learn how to ask Google.

If you don’t know how to search, use Google Assistant. It’s an amazing assistant. Have an amazing day! Remember that you have the power already in your hands.

Explicit Phrase

Incorporate the phrase “become a software developer” within double-quotes to search for the word “do not type”

Search Within a Website

Use Google if the site doesn’t have a built-in search feature.


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