Gratitude and Abundance Are The Secrets to Living Your Best Life

Gratitude and Abundance Are The Secrets to Living Your Best Life
Gratitude and Abundance Are The Secrets to Living Your Best Life

The secrets to living a happy life are having attitudes of gratitude and abundance and having a positive outlook on life. The second type of person is the one who keeps charging forward, even when it seems like everything isn’t going their way and ends up making a difference in their world.

When I was younger, I was anxious, but no longer since I’ve tapped into the universe’s river of love

Part of my anxiety was in mirroring the scarcity attitude that surrounded me

  • The times at work I have enjoyed the most were when I was working for myself
  • I was in charge of my destiny

Gratitude makes everything better

When the economy went bad, she ended up working on her own because she wasn’t overloaded with debt

  • She was also grateful that she had a contract with her employer, so she was paid for some time after she had left
  • Every division or section always thought they were better than other sections and divisions
  • Glad she learned how to deal with a lot of situations


If you are going to love others, you must first love yourself

  • When you love yourself, you are free from self-doubts and insecurities that limit your ability to both love you and others
  • You won’t be worried if love isn’t reciprocated, because you are already feeling love inside
  • Love is the most powerful force in the universe
  • It will give you the power to build up every other area of your life you want to develop

Gen-X: grateful to be self-sufficient, but know the value of community and love

Jumped off the corporate ship at the right time during the financial crisis

  • Benefits that were expected by the prior generation disappeared
  • Reimbursements for unpaid medical costs ended
  • Pay didn’t seem to ever be enough to keep up with expenses
  • The pie was shrinking for those who weren’t owners

Love yourself, love others, and remember the universe provides abundance

The universe is filled with love. Love yourself and tap into it. Send the love back out into the universe like a lighthouse.

  • Even if you don’t accomplish your goals today, you have advanced a little on your journey if you have taken some time to love yourself and love others.


When times are good, collecting debts is relatively easy

  • Wall Street was scared and people carried banker’s boxes out of their offices
  • Everyone had too many bills and not enough income to pay them all
  • People were maxed out on everything – credit cards, mortgages, cars, etc
