Grow or Die: A Framework for Turning Your Company Around Fast

Grow or Die: A Framework for Turning Your Company Around Fast

Most great teams would agree, there’s nothing more powerful for executing on big ambitions than a clearly defined and well-communicated goal. But sometimes the stakes are much higher than usual. In these instances, a goal requires even more focus, execution, and clarity. All of these can be achieved through a framework that I have come to call SuperGoals, which I’ve relied on heavily throughout my career. 

What’s a SuperGoal?

A high stakes, focusing goal for a team. It has a clear and urgent timeframe, an open-ended method of achievement, and a single measure of success that everyone can understand.

High stakes spark ambition

SuperGoals have an open-ended delivery mechanism, so ideas can come from anywhere

You have to be willing to solicit requests from users, even if they violate some of your prior product principles

Create your own superGoals

SuperGoals unlock exceptional outcomes for teams when the stakes are highest. Three templates to get you started

Meet daily to check in and discuss new ideas.

SuperGoals drive urgency

Few goal-setting frameworks deliver the singularity of SuperGoals — you only get one, it’s not aspirational, and it must be accomplished. 

When using SuperGoals, nothing else matters: they temporarily transcend all other goals by instilling a sense of urgency that reinforces clarity and inspires creativity. 

Sharp, aggressive goals are motivating

For example, this is what we did at Anchor:


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