Hard Lessons I Learned from a High-Paying Job in Tech

Hard Lessons I Learned from a High-Paying Job in Tech
Hard Lessons I Learned from a High-Paying Job in Tech

The money can be good in tech, especially if the company is fast-growing. But pretty soon the allure of tech starts to change. What you think you’ll get from the experience turns out to be different. Better to learn these lessons earlier in your career before it’s too late.

The laziness of developers is inspiring

Developers love to automate stuff because it’s their job.

  • The really good developers learned to hack the problems of people beyond themselves and became the ones making the world go “round”
  • There are ways to automate parts of your life so you can focus your time on what matters

Pretentious, Elitism, and Privilege Can Blind You

A high-paying job in tech is a privilege. The point is to use that job to help others who are where you used to be.

  • Privilege makes you think you know everything. Wisdom reminds you that you know nothing.

Geek culture is cool

The nerdier your keyboard, the cooler you are.

  • Staying up late to obsess over one line of code makes you a warrior fighting the roman Battle of Cannae on your own.
  • We all have our chance to be cool at some point in our careers. Practice your version of cool.

Fall into the “work hard” trap and light your date night on fire

It’s easy to fall into the trap of working too much

  • Just because you earn good money from a job in tech doesn’t mean you need to abandon your family for glorified networking that can be done over a zoom call

The Best Part Isn’t the Money. It’s This

The best part about working in tech is the people you work with. They make it all worth it.

  • They cheer you up when you’re having a rough day, invite you to their home for a BBQ to cement the relationship, and refer you for new opportunities.

Stoicism at work, works

Spend time thinking, not in meetings. Problems require time to think about them before they can be solved.
