Today I will tell you all how I transitioned from the health field to tech and how a comment on gokada’s LinkedIn post got me a job. Thread

Anything worth doing is worth doing well. A quote that has always made me give my 100% in everything I do.  Here is my journey from the health field to tech and how I have faired so far.  My first degree was in physiology.  Then I did masters in public health,

but I have always had the passion  for innovations, I have always wanted to create products that solves problems in an unprecedented way. I had this ability to figure out solutions for any problem if I sleep over it.

My friends jokingly call me  Einstein those days back  in the University, actually I think they were mocking me tho, But the ability to  think out new unique ways to approach existing methodologies  was like a gift to me. I remember when I had an idea like uber….

far back 2015, I entered for an Etisalat idea challenge and won a phone for this idea, I was also called to Lagos business school to pitch this idea, but been young and inexperienced I went there and pitched a different business idea…

Seeing uber and bolt now makes me smile as it validates my  creativity and innovative mind. After 2015 I began to have an unquenchable desire to create stuffs, but I didn’t know how to code, all I could do was write a pitch…..

So for a why I started looking at every business model out there and figuring out how they can  improve and writing it down as business plans. After my NYSC, I couldn’t get a job and after  searching for a while I decided to  do my masters…

but during this process I was already drafting out ideas on how  to disrupt industries such as  fintech, transportation, logistics, e-commerce and so many more, my problem as that point  was how to get an investor to pay  for the development of any of my  ideas…

trust me getting an investor  was  impossible.  I knew at a point that I needed  to transition to tech and leave the health field, but how was I going  to do it. Under the recent governor of Edo state a tech hub was created in Edo state, the Edo innovation hub

When I found out about this platform with different opportunities for Edo state people to become skilled in tech I jumped at it with everything in me. I first started with data science skill and then learnt business development and at a point I could now write superb business

superb business plans, pitch decks, market strategies and financial statements and also curate and analyze data to substantiate the problems I was solving and support the need for my solutions. I was getting somewhere in the tech space, and finally bringing my ideas to life…

I knew this was not all I could offer,  my desire to build solutions kept growing as I kept creating business plans upon business plans putting  down all my ideas from development to operations. I needed to work in a tech company because to me at this point I had solutions for

every business sector and I knew I was going to be a valuable asset for any company. But my degree been in health field was really affecting  my chance of getting a job in a  tech company.

Whatever you do in this life be good at it. This is a thread on how I got a job because of a comment I made on gokada’s post on LinkedIn. Thread #BlackTechTwitter #startup #entrepreneur #business #founders #futureofwork #FollowFriday

On that faithful day I made a comment on gokada’s post on LinkedIn on how they can increase revenue with a new business idea, that post changed my life. First I got a message from a white man on LinkedIn asking me to talk to him more about this idea of mine, and how he can come

Then I got a message from a tech startup founder in Nigeria who also asked me the same thing bt he was more enthusiastic abt the idea, I told him about the white man asking about the idea and he said I should forget the white man that he and I can build stuff together and own it

He asked me to go back on the gokada’s post and delete the business idea comment I made, that I should not be posting detailed business plan like this, that my comment had so many potential market edge strategies, from the way he sounded I could tell he was serious and really…

Wanted to work with me, so I deleted the comment, the next day I got another call from him and he officially gave me job offer, I was enticed by his offer because that was what I having been looking for all these years, someone with the capacity to build my product ideas….

I took his offer and got my second official job as business developer in a software development company although it was a startup at the time. At this time I was excellent in market analysis, business plan, pitch deck….

market strategies development and problem solving these skills made me valuable at the company but also made my job requirements and tasks voluminous, like I was the go to guy for every hiccups or problems, At a time I was functioning as if I was the co-founder of the company.

Working in a startup revieled to me that to actually bring an idea to life takes more that a well drafted business plan. We created business plans for businesses on how having their own software applications could help their business but most of these businesses could not…

picture their business existing as software or operating through an application, to better show them what we were offering, the need for a quick ux display of the solution application was needed, and at that time as a startup we couldn’t afford to start putting our designer on

every business idea pitch we were sending out, that will require him to design more than three application designs in a week with numerous screens, which was not feasible. I knew once again that it was up to me to see this through and thus my journey to ux designing began

I learnt ux designs still learning though, and was better able to show pictorial display of our business ideas and how the products intend to work for our clients. This was highly successful as we will got to develop applications for so many top companies in Lagos and…

Nigeria at large. My contribution to the company became so impressive my boss the CEO founder of the company decided to give me equity in his company. And a Las your boy became a part owner of a tech company.

I did not learn so many skills because I wanted to become a Jack of all trades, I did because my company a startup needed it, I wasn’t going to allow the startup fail because we couldn’t afford bringing extra hands on board, so I sacrificed my nights to cover up were we lacked..

At the end, everything I have learnt so far in my life helped build me into the person I’m today, working in a startup helped me develop vital improvising skills and today I am more confident in myself and my abilities. I can’t work for a company and it will fail, can’t allow it

Follow @iam_tonymax

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