How AI can help us make good decisions in critical moments

How AI can help us make good decisions in critical moments

I believe that without understanding human decisions, we cannot leverage the full benefits of AI-enabled decisions in societal contexts. This collective intelligence of AI and human decision science researchers is enabling us to make better recommendations by modeling how people respond to recommendations. – Aarti Singh

Aarti Singh, the Director of the AI Institute for Societal Decision Making at Carnegie Mellon University, dives into the potential and limitations of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in decision-making processes.

She explores how AI can significantly contribute to societal challenges including maternal health and disaster management.

Table of Contents

  1. The Potential and Limitations of AI
  2. The Economic Impact of AI
  3. AI Applications in Maternal Health
  4. Complexities of Teaching Computers Decision-Making
  5. AI Use in Disaster Management
  6. Understanding Human Factors Before Leveraging AI Benefits
  7. Trust-Building for Successful Technology Adoption

The Potential and Limitations of AI

AI has made significant strides over the past decade, from being able to recognize images to conducting basic conversations.

However, it still falls short in understanding context and logic.

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The Economic Impact of AI

Despite its limitations, AI technologies are projected to contribute $3 to 4 trillion annually according to a recent study by McKenzie.

The focus is on teaching computers not only to predict but also make informed decisions that can benefit society.

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