How AI will eat hollywood

How AI will eat hollywood
How AI will eat hollywood

It’s my view that AI is a new type of creative medium, an alternative that’s not better or worse than a paintbrush or a guitar, just a new thing that you can learn and something you can learn quite quickly. – Forrest Iandola

AI researcher Forrest Iandola explores the potential of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing the television and film industry.

He delves into how AI can be utilized as a new creative medium that can generate scripts, create visuals, and even predict future trends in content consumption.

Table of Contents

  1. AI as a New Creative Medium
  2. Demonstrating AI Capabilities
  3. The Democratization Effect of Technology
  4. Predicting Future Impact of AI on Video Content
  5. Personalized Film Creation
  6. Addressing Fears about AI
  7. Exploring Existing AI Tools

AI as a New Creative Medium

Artificial Intelligence is not just a tool but a new type of creative medium.

It’s neither better nor worse than traditional tools like paintbrushes or guitars; it’s something different that can be learned quickly.

With advancements in AI technology, creating movies or commercials without cameras or actors is becoming increasingly feasible.

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Demonstrating AI Capabilities

AI has vast capabilities from generating detailed images ‘out of thin air’ to scriptwriting.

For instance, using chat GPT for developing scripts based on user input showcases its power.

However, there are areas such as animation where AI still needs improvement for mastering fine motor skills and consistency in imagery.