How Can I Be More Productive?

How Can I Be More Productive?
How Can I Be More Productive?

The three things you need to know to be more productive. If you have searched how to be productive you will have found hundreds, if not thousands, of ways you could be productive. It is ironic that it can be very unproductive trying to understand how to become more productive, instead you should focus on becoming more productive yourself.

Know Your Own Mind and Body

Don’t try to measure your productivity by other people’s schedules

  • Nobody is productive 100% of the time
  • Your levels of productivity vary throughout the day
  • At some points you will not be productive, and that’s OK

Are you a morning or an evening person?

Morning person: naturally will be more productive earlier in the day

  • Evening person: more productive in the evening
  • Schedule your most difficult task during these times and leave easier tasks for other times
  • Do not only work in the morning, but in both hours of the day

Be comfortable

Having a comfortable environment will help you to be more productive

  • Ensure you have a supportive chair, desk at the right height (normally 28-30 inches), and your monitor so the top of it is at eye level to maximize light and maximize productivity

Don’t be afraid to rest

Rest when you are tired, really tired, then rest. Resting is the opposite of being productive, but it is essential that you give your mind and body rest when it needs it.

  • Trying to ‘power through’ is a false economy. Rest, rest, rest.


Know what times of the day you are at your most alert and productive

  • Schedule your most difficult tasks then
  • Focus on the tasks that add the most value
  • Create a working environment that increases your productivity
  • Organize your schedule so that you are not overwhelmed

Know Where You Add Value

Don’t confuse being busy with being productive. One adds value in the shortest time possible, the other adds little value but takes up your time.

  • The Eisenhower Matrix teaches you to divide tasks into four groups: Important and urgent tasks which you should do yourself now, important but non urgent tasks to schedule, low importance but urgent tasks you should look to delegate and low importance and low urgency tasks which should be binned.

Remove distractions

Do not have your phone within view as it is the ultimate distraction

  • Turn off email notifications to stop them popping up and breaking your rhythm
  • Set times in the day when you will check your emails
  • Don’t sit facing a window as the view can be distracting
