How cats and dogs see the world

How cats and dogs see the world
How cats and dogs see the world

Ever wondered how your furry friends perceive the world? Delve into the fascinating realm of feline and canine vision, exploring the stark differences and surprising similarities between how cats and dogs view their surroundings.

Pet Psychic:

Our pets sense the world we live in much differently than we do

  • A layer of their eyes reflects light to let our furry pals see small amounts of light much more efficiently than our human eyes
  • Because dogs and cats are predators, they don’t have to be able to tell the difference between similar shades of color
  • As humans, we have to know whether a persimmon is ripe or not to eat it

Humans have an advantage when it comes to clarity:

Dogs can see an object from 20 feet away, humans can see it from 60 feet away.

  • While most cats and dogs have trouble spotting still objects very close to them, they can spot movement for up to a half-mile-even if it’s relatively subtle.


Dogs have a keen sense of smell

  • They have a vomeronasal organ in their olfactory system that allows wild things to communicate via scent
  • Depending on the breed, a dog’s sense is between 1,000 and 10,000 times more effective than a human’s
  • Their visual limitations can cause problems when trying to teach them new tricks
