As a marketer, a big part of your job is to convert qualified website visitors into leads. More specifically, inbound marketing requires you to create remarkable content they’ll want to trade their contact information for. From there, those leads turn into opportunities, who turn into customers and promoters.

What’s a conversion path?

A conversion path is the process by which an anonymous website visitor becomes a known lead.

  • There are 4 common attributes to a successful conversion path: landing page, call-to-action, content offer or end point, thank you page, and end point

Improving the Mobile Conversion Path Experience

Start with a responsive design

  • Nix cluttered landing pages
  • Avoid unnecessary text, images, and features that may make it difficult for visitors to find the information they are looking for
  • Keep CTAs to a minimum
  • Opt for one (or a few) clear call-to-action button as the main focus that your potential customers can easily find

Conversion Path Example

Sign up for their email list in exchange for 10% of their products

  • A thank you page pops up once you’ve filled out the form giving instructions on how to access your discount code
  • Once you get the code from your email, you use it to purchase one of their caps

Use attention-grabbing calls-to-action

e.g. buttons embedded throughout your website that advertise your content offers.

  • Ensure that the message displayed on your calls to action aligns with the message on your landing page – and the content itself.

Good conversion paths

You need content, a call-to-action, a landing page, and a thank you page

  • With so many conversion paths out there on the internet for your potential customers to explore, it’s more important than ever to create the RIGHT paths – paths that your ideal customers are drawn to

Close the deal with optimized thank you pages

Thank you pages are the final item you need in your inbound toolkit to lead your website visitors down a conversion path to become a lead

  • They’re also an opportunity to move people further along in the buyer’s journey by including things like additional calls-to-action that complement the offer you’ve just provided your lead

Attract your target audience with context-appropriate content

Content is the fuel that powers effective inbound strategies-and it’s what you’ll use to convert those website visitors into leads.

  • In order to be an effective tool in your conversion path toolkit, make sure you have content tailored to your buyer personas and where they are in the buyer’s journey.

Create landing pages that speak to your personas

Tailor your landing pages to the specific problem your persona is experiencing, and discuss the aspects of that problem that are most important to where that persona is in the buyer’s journey.

  • For example, someone who works at a pet store and has created an ebook on raising a puppy might not be interested in downloading your ebook if your landing page talks all about how your ebook contains tips on housebreaking.
