How does astrology work and is there science behind it?

How does astrology work and is there science behind it?

Many people rely on the stars to give us an insight into our future, regularly checking horoscopes for mystical insights and advice. But how exactly does astrology work and is there science behind it? The zodiac is based on the idea of astrology with many believing it’s backed by science.

How does astrology work?

Astrology is the belief that the alignment of stars and planets affects every individual’s life depending on when they were born.

Do astrology predictions come true?

Astrologers believe that predictions are based entirely on the universe and that what’s written in the stars will be true.


July 28

Is there science behind astrology?

Astrology is not proven to be backed by science, and there is no conclusive evidence that astrology is an accurate predictor of personality traits, future destinies or love lives

Is astrology accurate?

This is debatable


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