How Men Can Be More Inclusive Leaders

How Men Can Be More Inclusive Leaders
How Men Can Be More Inclusive Leaders

Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all concept, especially when it comes to inclusivity. Men, in particular, can play a pivotal role in fostering an inclusive environment. Let's delve into the ways men can enhance their leadership style to promote inclusivity.

Despite the Covid-19 “Shecession,” which has driven millions of women out of the workforce, women are the majority of the college-educated talent pool.

Despite the pandemic, searing evidence of social injustice, the rise of employee activism, and the changing role of the corporation, there are four inclusive leadership strategies to follow

Design Transparency into Your Workplace

Poor transparency sows distrust in the organization

  • Transparency can also be influential with external stakeholders
  • Leaders who harness the power of public disclosure as a tool to promote trust with investors and future employees have a strategic advantage
  • Leaders willing to publicly disclose their policies and practices on gender, race, and sexual orientation inclusion will be the companies that succeed by attracting and retaining the best and the brightest employees, and reducing risk to shareholders

Design Accountability into Your Workplace

Today’s leaders understand they can impact change by ensuring that their governance policies align with their inclusion goals

  • Extend diversity and representation requirements to your suppliers and customers
  • You can influence suppliers to change the way they do business
  • Companies like Facebook, SurveyMonkey, and Amazon are insisting on diversity from their suppliers

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

There’s much you don’t know about others’ experiences

  • Having the courage to ask difficult questions about your own leadership style is an important place to start on your journey to being an ally with women
  • Ask about the experiences of women in your workplace
  • Be willing to hear answers you might not like

Make It Personal and Visible

Inclusive leadership has to come from the heart

  • Begin with an authentic narrative about why this is important to you personally, and then connect this personal story to how gender diversity and inclusion are important to your business.
  • Being visible also requires you to show up at events, conferences, and other initiatives promoting gender inclusion and equality.
