How Modern Media Is Failing Its Mission | Douglas Rushkoff | The Knowledge Project

How Modern Media Is Failing Its Mission | Douglas Rushkoff | The Knowledge Project
How Modern Media Is Failing Its Mission | Douglas Rushkoff | The Knowledge Project

In this insightful episode, Douglas Rushkoff, a renowned media theorist and author, delves into the intricate relationship between modern technology and polarized extremism.

He discusses how technology influences our behaviors and how we reciprocate by shaping technology.

He also shares his thoughts on the best practices for social media, the growing distrust in news media, and his personal endeavor to break free from the habit of using email.

The Battle Against Misinformation

Misinformation is a significant issue in today’s digital age.

One way to filter information is to filter our own expression.

Just because everyone can type doesn’t mean everyone can write, and just because everyone can write doesn’t mean everyone should write.

This discernment is crucial in the fight against misinformation.

Just because you can type doesn’t mean you can write, and just because you can write doesn’t mean you should write. – Douglas Rushkoff

The Integrity of Journalism

The integrity of a journalist and a publication is crucial in determining the reality level of something.

As deep fakes and other kinds of media make it increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is being said and what is not, we will have to rely more on the integrity of journalists and publications.

Distrust in News Media

There is a growing distrust in the news media.

The truth about events can often be obscured, leading to confusion and mistrust.

It’s essential to critically evaluate news sources and seek out reliable information.

Sensationalism in News Coverage

The shift of news from being a mandatory obligation to a profit-driven enterprise has led to a more sensationalist approach to news coverage.

This often prioritizes entertainment over factual reporting, leading to misinformation and a lack of trust in the media.

Polarized Extremism and its Consequences

Polarized extremism is leading to a hardening of ideologies and values, resulting in a society that lacks flexibility and empathy.

It is crucial to cultivate a more human, adaptable, and empathetic approach to life to counteract this trend.

Technology’s Influence on Polarization

Technology plays a significant role in either creating or amplifying polarization.

It’s a complex task to discern whether new technologies are a result of existing cultural tendencies or if they shape our behaviors.

For instance, the printing press led to individual perspectives during the Renaissance, while digital technology today might be causing our lives and politics to become more binary.

Become less dependent on central government, central news, national stories and all that, and more self-sufficient. It’s more sustainable, it’s more resilient, it’s less brittle and it makes you less enemies. – Douglas Rushkoff

The Role and Risks of Social Media

Social media should be used for socializing and entertainment, not for serious discussions or policy communication.

Politicians using social media can delegitimize their authority.

It’s important to be aware of the potential dangers of posting information online.

The Power of Local Action

Focusing on helping neighbors and communities rather than trying to understand complex issues that individuals have no control over can lead to a more centrist, fact-based news media.

This approach can relieve central and state governments of stress, reducing the need for welfare, planning, and programs.

Breaking Free from Email

Rushkoff shares his personal journey towards breaking the habit of using email.

While he doesn’t elaborate on why he’s trying to do this, it’s likely related to his concerns about the impact of technology on our lives and behaviors.

The Importance of Self-Sufficiency

Becoming less dependent on central government and national news and more self-sufficient can make society more sustainable and resilient.

This approach can reduce the number of enemies people make and lead to more constructive discussions about important issues.

Social Media as a Check and Balance

Despite its drawbacks, social media can act as a check and balance, giving credible people a platform to share their ideas and receive feedback.

However, it’s important to be cautious as this can also be used to hurt and manipulate people.

The Pitfalls of Overreliance on Technology

The approach of solely relying on technology to solve the problems it creates is flawed.

The trend of using digital technologies to mitigate internet-related issues might not be the best solution.

Instead, simple actions like taking a day off from being plugged in could be more beneficial.

The obsession with documenting everything prevents people from living in the present.
