Our self-destructive and self-defeating financial behaviors are not driven by our rational logical minds. They are a product of our subconscious belief systems rooted in our childhoods. – Tammy Lally

In a world where personal finances are often a taboo topic, Tammy Lally breaks the silence on ‘Money Shame’.

As a certified Money Coach and Financial Planner, she shares insights on how money shame, rooted in our childhood experiences, shapes our adult lives and offers suggestions on confronting and overcoming these deeply ingrained beliefs.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding money shame
  2. The universality of money shame
  3. Breaking free from money shame
  4. The importance of self-inquiry
  5. Role of forgiveness in overcoming money shame

Understanding money shame

Money shame is an intensely painful feeling, rooted in the belief that our worthiness of love and belonging is based on our financial status.

This belief system, deeply ingrained from our childhood experiences, can shape our entire adult lives.

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The universality of money shame

Money shame is not exclusive to any income level; it can affect anyone.

It often manifests through behaviours such as chronic overspending or chronic underspending, demonstrating that it’s not about the amount of money one has, but how one relates to it.