Unveiling the secret to success in the digital age, we delve into the strategies of top global brands harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence. Discover how these industry leaders are revolutionizing their operations and customer experiences with cutting-edge technology.

What’s Gone Wrong

Digital capabilities increasingly serve a majority of customer engagements

  • Web sites offer customers the ability to purchase products and services and independently manage basic aspects of their account
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems automate basic transactions and help guide customers to the optimal agent when automation cannot offer a resolution
  • Mobile applications are ubiquitous now that most adults in the US carry a smartphone
  • Chat bots have taken responsibility for handling basic customer needs to mitigate the growing expense of staffing contact centers with human agents
  • Voice bots have become increasingly mainstream as consumers grow accustomed to speaking commands into IVRs and home automation systems such as Google Home and Alexa

Look Holistically at Contact Center Operations

Consumer demand for digital is only going to accelerate

  • The biggest winners will be those organizations that successfully challenge status quo thinking, honestly evaluate the current customer journey, and embrace and execute transformational changes to people, process, and technology

Meet Customers Where They Are

Less than 40% of businesses offer their customers the option to message even though 85% of consumers want to be able to send and receive messages while on the go

  • Consumers want human assistance and want to message companies like they do with friends and family
  • When brands show up in the mobile apps their customers already use

Reevaluate Your Voice Calls

Best in class companies are shifting to a “digital first” approach

  • Leveraging artificial intelligence to discern intents where digital can be the most effective and efficient solution
  • This is not an attempt to eliminate voice or force customers down a path that will result in poor outcomes
  • Taking a step back and re-evaluating your entire CX framework will enable you to drive digital growth
