How to accomplish nothing and still feel exhausted

How to accomplish nothing and still feel exhausted

How do you manage to be constantly burnt out while accomplishing very little? It’s not easy. It takes years of concerted effort. You have to build up habits, to the point where the line between work and time-wasting is blurred. It also takes a total lack of self-awareness to burn yourself out.

Multitask constantly

Switching tasks as frequently as possible wastes time, which is essential if you want to get less done

Do not exercise

Exercise isn’t work, and it also makes you feel tired, so you’d think that it would be a perfect activity for getting nothing done but still feeling exhausted. It isn’t.

Never review what you accomplish

Do not make a list of what you’ve accomplished or talk to a co-worker about what you did

Never make a plan

The vaguer you can feel about what you’re supposed to be accomplishing, the better.

Don’t take real breaks

You might think that taking a break is doing nothing, and that the ideal way to get nothing done is to do nothing but take breaks.


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