How to apply to full-time jobs with a freelance resume

How to apply to full-time jobs with a freelance resume

Transitioning from freelance to full-time employment can be a daunting task. Your resume, a testament to your freelance journey, can be your strongest ally. Let's explore how to effectively leverage your freelance experience when applying for full-time positions.

As a freelancer, applying for a full-time position might feel like squeezing a varied body of experiences into small, neat boxes

How might you list your most recent positions?

Highlight your strengths

As a freelancer, you can’t hide your work, so own it

Rework your resume, rework your vocabulary

Sometimes, the specifics of roles can change between gigs, though functions of these roles remain similar in terms of one “title.”

Single out a success story

As a freelancer, you are more likely to have unique, varied experiences that will help you stick in the minds of interviewers as someone who is qualified and ready for a challenge


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