How To Balance Team Workloads Before Resourcing Becomes A Problem

How To Balance Team Workloads Before Resourcing Becomes A Problem

More employees are bailing on their jobs than ever, a phenomenon that’s been coined “The Great Resignation.” It’s scary stuff for managers and undoubtedly leads to this question: What can you do about it? How can you prevent burnout from creeping up and sabotaging your team? Here’s a hint: manageable workloads

How To Maintain Reasonable Workloads (And Expectations) On Your Team

Striking the balance between satisfying obligations and keeping things in check for your team feels like a tightrope walk, but it’s doable.

Maintain Open Lines Of Communication

Have honest and candid conversations with team members

Lead By Example

Ask yourself: How’s your workload?

Keep a Watchful Eye

It’s your job to know what’s happening on your team (without somebody blatantly telling you). So, equip yourself with the tools you need to understand the who, what, when, where, why, and how

Help Your Team Feel Successful-Not Stressed

If you want to prevent burnout and keep them around and engaged for the long haul, it all comes back to the basics: a manageable workload

Take Action On Feedback

If your goal is to help your team, you need to be prepared to not just collect feedback, but act on it.

Learn To Make The Hard Decisions

A priorities matrix can be helpful for figuring out what your team should be focused on-and what can be pushed to the back burner or fall off the stove entirely for now.


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